Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's just another war

I'm just a step away,
I'm just a breath away,
Losing my faith today,
Falling off the edge today.

It's been a long time since I announced I had awesome ideas for break, and I apologize. I had some big plans for this site over the past few months, but unfortunately I just couldn't seem to find enough hours in the day to bring them to fruition.

After Spring Break I dove into extracurriculars and academics and preparation for this year. I spent the summer working three jobs to pay my way to Eastern Europe for the month of July (for more about our amazing adventures, check out the group blog here) and prepping for my debut as a Resident Assistant nine days after my return to the States. And, as a few of you may know, being an RA is a 24/7 job that is both one of the most fufilling and exhausting experiences in existance, so I've been kept plenty busy here at school.

All of the wonderful opportunites I've had, however, have left me absolutely drained and exhausted. I have two up-to-date planners but I can't seem to keep on top of the workload. It's not that I can't handle it; I've done that before and been just fine. It's that I've not stopped going since Spring Break long enough to get fully on top of things.

Which brings me to now, studying for my first test of the year (today at 1 pm. Eep!) and absolutely freaking out. I'm in the home stretch - come Thursday, I'll finally be able to breathe! - and I'm eternally distracted, so my patience with myself and others is wearing thin. Because of that, I'd like to formally apologize.

If I've snapped at you, if I'm going to snap at you or if in any way you feel upset by my lack of common courtesy over the next two days, I'm sorry. Keep a list. I'll make it up to you.


At least I'm finally on Pottermore

I've gotta fight today,
To live another day...
I'm not superhuman,
My voice will be heard today.